He/she is looking great , and at the ultrasound at 9 weeks 5 days the heart was beating away and the bean was right on Target for growth.
I, on the other hand am having a much harder time this go round, alot of morning sickness, and not much food coming in to replace what I was losing. Things are looking up though I will be 13 weeks tommorow and am finally starting to feel better, and the baby has decided to have a voracious appetite and so I have been eating about 6 small meals a day to keep up, and of course lots of water, which makes me run to the bathroom about 20 times a day.
Donnie and I are both amazed at how fast my belly has popped out this time around too, this little one sems to want to make his/her presence known right away, I already am into my maternity clothes, which is surprising because I didn't need them until about 18 weeks last time.
All in all I am enjoying this season in our lives and we are eagerly anticipating Baby beans upcoming months and arrival. I can't wait for Abby to be a big sister, and I know it will be an adjustment for her but I am so happy she will have a sibling :)
And just for comparison sake here is a picture I put together of me pregnant with Abby and baby Bean at 12 weeks...the difference is SHOCKING!

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