We had a nice weekend, it was quiet and uneventful, On Saturday we spent time with Donnie's family to celebrate his first Father's Day, and on Sunday we did our own thing. We were hoping to see my parents but due to some unforeseen circumstances we are going to celebrate this coming weekend. We are looking forward to that as well.
On Sunday we went to the park with Abby and Dudley, Abby got to try out the swings for the first time, and she really seemed to like it. I made breakfast for Donnie, and it seemed to be a hit. Since he got his presents earlier int he week I gave him his cards and we went about the day. It was nice to relax and not have to really be anywhere at any specific time.
Abby also turned 5 months old yesterday. I can't believe it has been 5 months since those 2 long, long days in January and her NICU stay afterwards. We watched the video of her first few days on Saturday and it is amazing to me how much she has changed. She went from this teeny helpless peanut, to my strong beautiful girl who is getting quite the personality (see pictures below) and who amazes us every single day with something new. It has been such an amazing journey so far and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
She loves her Carrotts!

She is starting to sit on her own!

Happy 5 monthday Angel! (That Dress was mine when I was little)

Between the Dog and her this was the best shot of the "kids" that we could get :)
First Swing ride!
She now spends a majority of the day like this (She loves to stick out her tongue)

I hope everyone had a Wonderful weekend! Love,
Christie, Donnie and Abby