Abby is now 7.5 months old, I can't believe how time has flown. She is sitting really well on her own, she will stand holding on to things and is going to crawl very, very soon we think. It is so amazing to me how much they change in just 7 short months, and how much she is beginning to look like a "kid" rather than a baby.
Donnie and I have really hit a stride as parents and generally Abby is a pretty happy baby, because she knows what to expect, she knows when Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are and when her bedtime is, her naps are pretty predictable to, although we know she doesn't like to nap in the afternoon so getting her morning nap in is really important otherwise she gets thrown off for the whole day.
Donnie is in the process of applying to his CNA program and hopefully by October he should be an Illinois Licensed CNA, and he will be able to start working and move on to the next step of applying to the Nursing program at College of Dupage.
I am just trucking along at work, getting ready for the Fall programs and finishing up the Summer ones, it is amazing to me how fast time flies when you are working. Other than that I am enjoying all the snuggle time I can get with Abby and trying to take in every moment I have with her, because she is growing up all too fast.
The last few weekends we have been keeping busy, 2 weeks ago we went to the Zoo because it was finally not 100 degrees and it was not raining, novel for this area lately.
This weekend we went to the park on Saturday and Abby got to ride in the swing for a little bit and she took her first slide ride with Mommy.
Sunday we went back to a place that we hold very close in our hearts, Good Samaritan Hospital, they had their Annual Neo Natal ICU Reunion and it was nice to see all of the nurses and Doctors that took such fantastic care of our little angel in her stay there. It was a great feeling to be able to thank them for all that they did to help get her to be the big healthy girl that she is today.
Ok so enough Writing here are the pictures...
A girl and her Dog
Saturday Morning Cartoons
We have teeth!! (Well almost anyway)
Look Mom No hands (She found her balance overnight)

What paper is food Right...
Family Picture at the Zoo

My New favorite picture of Abby and her Daddy




Oh thank goodness we made it down!
She was much more interested in the woodchips than smiling for me :)
16th Annual NICU Reunion
(This is the shirt they gave Abby, She should fit in it by next years reunion...LOL)

In her Sunday Best
Abby and Nurse Amy ( she was Abby's Afternoon and night nurse)
Love from All of Us,
Christie, Donnie, and Abby